I will document the summary of what I have been studying during Period-1 (16 weeks of Fall’23) and Period-2 (16 weeks of Spring’24):

  • Algorithmic High-Dimensional Robust Statistics (Period-1)
  • Theory of Reinforcement Learning (Period-2)

Period-1: Algorithmic Statistics

I took an amazing course recently by Prof. Ilias Diakonikolas on “Algorithmic High-Dimensional Robust Statistics”. Below are links to my personal notes from his book and the class he taught. I also studied two papers that look at the problem of learning under label noise through the lens of algorithmic statistics.

  • Lectures 1 to 3: HERE, HERE
  • Lectures 4 to 6: Will be uploaded soon
  • Paper Review of two recent papers about Provable Learning under Label Noise (CLICK HERE)

Period-2: Theory of Reinforcement Learning

I am following the book draft - Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Algorithms - by Agarwal et al. for this.

  • Lectures 1-2, 3: HERE, HERE
  • Lectures 3, 4, 5: HERE, HERE, HERE
  • Paper Review of recent works on Machine Teaching for Sequential Learners (CLICK HERE)